Our Values

By providing our clients with their own individual requirements we strive to deliver a high quality product for a cost effective price.


To achieve this end we adhere to the following principles;

  • Endeavour to provide a product and customer service that is second to none.
  • Only engage competent experienced operatives and trades people.
  • Procure both appropriate and specified products both in relation to quality and specification.
  • Value, heed and communicate with all stakeholders within a project from start to finish and beyond.
  • Respect and protect the environment in which we all live.

The company is insured to £10m, has accreditations which include Constructionline and Acclaim and has the following written procedures forming an integral part of its management system.

  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Equal opportunities Policy
  • Quality Policy
  • Environmental Policy
  • Sustainable Business Policy
  • Company complaints procedure policy.


The company holds the policies above in the highest regard and these policies are an important part of our management system which is used in conjunction with individual project specific risk assessment and safety plans.


Copies of Insurances, company and VAT registration documents, accreditations and management policies are all available upon client request.