Company News
Guy Crowther Landscapes Limited
ico. Information Commissioner's Office certificate of registration granted.
Date; 18th July 2013.
Guy Crowther Landscapes Limited recieves client commendation for fencing works at Leigh Lancashire."
Date; 20th May 2013
"Considering the fencing is of a temporary nature the quality of workmanship is excellent, the contractors have a terrific work ethic and attitude. Hopefully the long term project will be carried out with the same dedication of care."
Guy Crowther Landscapes Limited an Upper Tier Carrier as per Environment Agency Waste Regulations 2011.
Date; 6th April 2013.
Guy Crowther Landscapes Limited recieves Constructionline Registration.
Date; 5th February 2013.
Guy Crowther Landscapes Limited recieves CHAS accrediation and is CHAS compliant.
Date; 23rd January 2013.